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Unity from the CINU perspective

Dr. Istabraq Abdelmoneim         
Member of the CINU –Baghdad branch

Unity… a word we have been hearing for as long circulated in slogans and supreme goals brought in and held by the present and previous governments, but this is a self-posing question, has the unity been realized actually on the ground? Or rather, have those slogans-and-goals organizers tried to understand what does this word imply of plentiful meanings? Or is it nothing more than an expression uttered by tongues and written on the signs as stereotyped publicity …?  

Here, the reader should pause for a moment to think over what this word implies of great valuable meanings and sublime human, moral and national advancement, for when we mention this word we should stand in reverence, deference and honor for what it connotes of great significance in the progress, advancement and prosperity of nations, rather than uniting the members of the people to defend its security, citizenry, sovereignty and independence at both internal and external levels only.          

For unity means integrating the hearts of one–people's children, in spite of their different persuasions, nationalities, religions and beliefs, on one man's heart pulsating with patriotism and hence devotion to homeland, affording sacrifice, loyalty and allegiance to him alone first and foremost, this very devotion dictates to patriot to love his homeland citizens, maintain their safety and sanctities, not to mention about their property and convenience, that is, the children of one nation are much like the children of the same family whose members wish to each other every happiness, contentment and good. So their mutual love is as much as their love for their home where they keep their memories of childhood and juvenility, aspirations and dreams of their youthfulness, and likewise, their fear for this home against cleavage or collapse in front of any problem it might face, and their power in coping with these problems one after the other with matchless determination, power of will to survive, continue and carry on whatever the obstacles and challenges were formidable for they must remain the strongest.

And in order to achieve unity in its rightful concept everyone must enlist to love and service the homeland and become loyal to him, and when we say "everyone" we mean the governments before the peoples, and when unity has realized, no mention, even by mistake, will linger of sectarianism, grudges, militias, terrorism, allocation, exclusion, looting of wealth, administrative and financial corruption or fake financial transactions, and no one will remain holding on to any ambitions or agendas to be implemented on our territory, for wolf dare not to prey but on an outlying sheep, and that the devil does not come close to compact rows in prayer.

We also in unity, promote the homeland to what he deserves of prominent status among the nations so he would become the focus to which countries of civilized world compete in order to accomplish what he has brought forth of science, development and technology. However, the reader may guess that we exaggerate by this saying, but why not? Had not Baghdad been the capital of science and scholars, where scholars used to converge on her from around the world to fill up from her science resources, coffers of treasures and knowledge? So, by our love of the homeland we make miracles with no foreseen end or limit but on forward without stop, with hard unabated work, prosperity, advancement and elevation in all disciplines each in his own field of business (and say, do as you will, for Allah will see your deeds, and so will His Messenger and the believers), for when the judge loves his homeland he will not be lenient with the abuser, forbid himself from doing injustice to the innocent under his ruling, work hard and diligently on fact–finding, and punish delinquents in this domain. Also, the physician who loves his homeland will not lax in performing his duties for the honesty and responsibility incumbent upon him is great before the God and the homeland for whoever saves one –it is as if he had saved mankind entirely, and whoever kills a soul – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. Thereupon, to keep pace with science and development, design the best curative methods, introduce the best of all modern medical equipments and devices in order to ameliorate patient treatment, perform with up-to-date methods attained by contemporary science without sparing no effort in that to provide the best accessible to patient anywhere in the world, and strive hard to obtain medical specialties needed by the country, and likewise the engineer in his domain of business, the merchant, worker, teacher and student and …. etc., (all of you are guardians and responsible for your subjects).

Thus, all those are the consequences of unity which we do not witness in our Iraqi actuality, neither under the previous regime nor the current one for the lack of patriotism, loyalty to the homeland in the hearts of previous and current governments, but only for narrow and mean goals and as a consequence of being absent from the hearts of the very people's children:

When the house master is busy with tambourine, then the habit of house members is dance and music

We do not find however this case in our beloved country only but in all countries ruled by idols and despots.

And whatever we come upon of development and advancement in the civilized world countries is ascribed to integration between governments and their peoples in faithful service of their homelands, happiness and well-being of their natives, although their natural human resources are fairly limited, so congratulations to them for the happiness they truly deserve.